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Hello from Hannah  !!

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I'm a web content writer and a future doctor-scientist who lives in Springfield

Illustrated White Cats

Some of My Favorite Activities

Running fast

Building with Legos

Playing guitar

School Work

Reading books

Watching Disney movies

I-Pad games

Playing with my dog

Wearing fancy shoes

Featured Work

Articles by Me and About Me

My Covid Shot Experience

I went to get a covid shot the first day that it was available to me.  It was on a Thursday night at 9 PM.  This was the first time that my Mom could get the shot for me and 2 of my sisters. My littlest sister is too young to get a shot.  The shot didn’t hurt and I didn’t cry.  My Mom was so proud of my behavior, she bought me a new stuffed animal

The Rabbit and the Dog

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit and a dog.

They bragged to everyone.  They said they were the best.


One day, they said they were no longer going to be friends, because earlier that day they got into a fight.


The news spread throughout the kingdom.  

Everyone thought this was the end of their bullying.


It helped a little bit.  But they still would brag when they got angry. One day they saw each other again.


The hare bragged to the dog and the dog bragged to the hare.

Then they both knew how it felt to be bragged to.


They stopped bragging to everyone because they knew it didn’t feel good.

And they lived happily ever after.


Hannah Story # 2

A family went on a long trip.  It was to a far away place.

Coming soon, tell me in person if you want to help me with this story.


Hannah Story # 3

There was a girl who lived by the sea. She was a princess. She had a BIG secret. She could turn into a mermaid! One day she was walking by the sea, and she had the sudden temptation to jump in. But no one was around. So she jumped in. It felt very refreshing. When she came up there were  guards all around the beach. She had been caught...or at least she thought she was. Quickly she turned back into human. Then she got out of the water and tried to explain everything. But then she realized the guards thought she fell IN the water. So her secret was safe for another day. 



My special meal preparation day
I researched many recipes from Uncle Al for 2 days. There were 4 courses at the meal that I made.  Together with Aunt Lisa and Uncle Al, I spent the whole day Friday July 21, 2023.  Everybody in my family liked the meal that I made.  My great-great aunt Florie liked it a lot.



Article by Grand-Dad Bookmark

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch

These were my first thoughts as I anticipated my COVID-19 vaccine shot.  I had read all about others who described the discomfort with the shot.  My actual shot experience was rather anticlimactic. 


The next day was a surprise experience for me.  I felt extremely happy and it was just another routine day.  The doctor/scientist in me could not understand this.  I asked myself if this was some side effect of my medications.  Not likely.  I considered the possibility that the vaccine had a direct effect on my brain.  I looked up the known side effect of the vaccine and convinced myself that no, it could not be that either.


Within an hour I had it figured out.  I moved to Springfield a year ago so I could see my granddaughters.  Almost as soon as I arrived, the COVID-19 virus hit.  I spent my time at work or at home alone.  I was so looking forward to seeing my four granddaughters and now I could do so.  It’s just not the same with virtual get togethers and mailbox treats for me.  I think that I had been fully emotionally isolating myself.  Now I was having a great release.


I think that I had an emotional release from my self-quarantine and just felt better.  Alternatively, I may have had a new coronavirus side effect, euphoria.  I am considering sending this side effect to the CDC!  If you read about this side effect in the package insert for the coronavirus vaccine, you will know the story behind it.


Some of My Family

Hannah (front row right),

BookMark (Grand-Dad)

and 3 sisters (Eleanor, Penelope, Aubrey)


Great Great Aunt Florie

The two greats for my name must mean that I am super great.  Hi, Hannah’s friends, My name is Florie.  I am Hannah’s great great aunt. Hannah asked me to write a little memento to put in her website.  So here it is.


My family of origin was all ladies.  My mother, my 2 sisters and me.  We had a great family even though there was a lot of what you would call bickering.  We enjoyed being together and we also enjoyed these spirited conversations. I miss my mother and my sisters.  I like to compare Hannah and her sisters to my life with my sisters.  

We are very much alike.  The top is a picture of my Mother (left), Sandy (middle), and Me (on the right). The bottom picture is of me.

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© 2024 by Hannah (Web advice from Uncle Rob)

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